Want to know the one thing employers have in common when they ask me to fill a vacancy that suffers from a 'candidate shortage'?
It's not a lack of candidates.
It's how they recruited.
Employer first. Inside out:
This is our vacancy, these are our needs.
Our salary is very competitive and we are proud to work here.
This is what we expect the essential and desired experience of our next employee to have.
Sometimes these points are entirely accurate.
Sometimes they've relied on 'specialist' agencies who promise results but have a shortage of candidates in their specialist fields. How are they advocating for you in the market?
Sometimes my consultation shows their blind spots and requires agreeable change. Actually, that happens quite often in service of the vacancy.
Always they neglect to give their ideal candidate what they need across their buying journey of
What does your acceptable candidate need from every stage of your recruitment?
Candidate first. Outside in.
If I've agreed to help, all I'll do is
consult to make sure we recruit from the right principles,
agree how to access the market in the right way,
recruit outside-in rather than inside-out,
fill the vacancy each and every time.
You can do this too.
Invert your recruitment philosophy and strategy to place your candidate first - you'll join the 5% club who have better access to candidates.
Do this with skill, empathy and intent and you may not have a candidate shortage at all.
If you can't, or your agencies show they can't, and you're a decent UK employer - we can talk.