Talk to many employers and they'll say their candidate experience is great.
Speak to most job seekers and they'll say their candidate experience has never been so bad.
Why the disconnect?
It's because employers rarely consider anyone who isn't a successful applicant as a candidate.
Who cares about everyone else?
The hierarchy of intentional priority is this
1. Next employee
2. Interviewed candidates
3. Shortlisted applicants
4. Rejected applicants
5. Unreviewed applicants
But there's also the hidden many that employers just don't think about -
6. Those who choose not to apply
From the employer's perspective, I expect candidate experience doesn't matter too much, beyond having a happy new employee.
No problem, nothing to fix.
But when you find recruitment is more difficult than expected, those who don't actually give a good experience holistically will without fail assume the candidates aren't out there.
That's a problem, and one you can fix - through a candidate experience that is a consequence of better recruitment.
Want to know where to start?
Focus your recruitment on why people choose not to apply, and where they are.
If you need help learning how and you're a decent UK employer with a problem vacancy, book some time with me - I'll charge £199 + VAT for an hour's consultation and leave you with an action plan.
If during the call, I find I can't help, I'll refund you.
If you want me to fill your vacancy, I'll discount the appropriate fee by what you've paid.
I think that's fair. How about you? DM me.
Or you can carry on, as you were.
As there is no evidence of Einstein saying,
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”