The Bottom 10 of dodgy dealer recruitment practice, 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣3️⃣ edition
10/ When they ask who you are interviewing with, only so they can try and get those vacancies on
9/ When they call your line manager for a reference, without your permission, because a vacancy is likely to come up (your job)
8/ Advertising a role they don’t have permission to recruit, so they can speculatively send CVs in
7/ Sending a CV to that person's current employer
6/ Ghosting
5/ Misleading on salary to try and negotiate above a fixed budget
4/ 'Recruiting' to get the free consulting that is a final stage interview 6 month marketing plan
3/ Contacting an HR Director to try and backfill a vacancy, when the role-holder hasn’t even indicated they want to leave
2/ Hiring someone so you can take them off a skill short market, then making them redundant at the whiff of a downturn
1/ Contacting people who are
#OpenToWork with a ‘vacancy’ in the hope they are single
All told to me by UK jobseekers and hiring managers. Beware, out there.
I’ve no doubt there’s a lot of discrimination, bait and switch and virtue signalling too.
What did I miss?