If you're struggling to recruit, it's easy to assume a lack of candidates is to blame. Before you do so, try this checklist:
1/ Is your job description a true and fair representation of the vacancy?
2/ Have you established minimum viable for what 'good' might be in your candidates?
3/ Does this minimum viable actually exist?
4/ Does your compensation fairly reflect what a good candidate in the current market needs?
5/ Have you established why a good candidate might want to leave a good job for yours?
6/ Do you show why yours is a great place to work in your candidate messaging? Or hope that they can see that without your help?
7/ Does your advert show what your minimum viable is, rather than a shopping list or unrealistic expectations?
8/ Is it described in language that doesn't deter great candidates?
9/ Have you accessed the market fully by going where the candidates are?
10/ Is your recruitment process efficient enough not to lose great candidates?
11/ Is your process inclusive and accessible? Great candidates can come from any demographic - have you challenged your blind spots?
12/ What fair compromises can you make that don't detract from the goal of your vacancy?
13/ If the team has been running itself without this vacancy being filled, can you promote from within?
14/ Have you revisited all your applicants to check your own assessment hasn't missed good candidates? Bad CVs can hide great capability.
15/ Have you considered additions to your culture that fill in the gaps, rather than culture fit?
That's just a start. If you need a fresh pair of eyes, and you're a decent employer in the UK, we can talk.