"I was headhunted for all my previous jobs, and now I can't even get an interview. Why is that?"
It's a remarkably common question during my jobseeker calls, and there are broadly three points that explain why:
1/ The market
Whatever your situation, the state of the market must inform your strategy.
Since 2020 we've had pandemic cycles and their consequences, and now a market whack-a-moled by war, inflation, strikes and everything else.
When I hear that line at the top, it's often (not always) a high performing exec who's experienced redundancy for the first time in their career, in a down market.
If there are few jobs to be had, and many strong candidates in competition, it's unlikely a job search will be straightforward.
Find out what's going on in your area of the market, so you can deal with it and set an appropriate strategy.
2/ The system
It may feel that the steps to a job are always the same (express interest, apply, interview, offer/rejection), but the system is very different when being headhunted to applying for jobs.
When you are headhunted, you are likely one of few candidates in consideration, perhaps even the only one. You'll be a Name and likely be qualified in, as they confirm how your candidacy might apply.
Recruitment by selection.
When you apply for a job, you are likely one of many, and the anonymous 67th CV. Readers may look for reasons to qualify you out, unless you show how your skills apply.
Recruitment by elimination.
3/ Detachment
It's simple sales psychology.
If you are headhunted, you don't need a job and are free to walk away, with detachment from the outcome.
If you apply for a job, you do so from a need, and to an extent are hung on the outcome.
That can lead to the assumption that headhuntees are typically more compelling or 'better' candidates than applicants (which is BS).
Find a way to focus on the process, and detach yourself from the outcome - you'll be a stronger candidate.
I think there's a lesson here in recruitment too.
People don't become worse candidates if they have a sudden change in status, such as redundancy. It may just be that their outlook and needs have changed. And stress levels.
Headhunts aren't necessarily more suitable than applicants.
We should look beyond their status to see the truth of their candidacy, rather than make assumptions.
Taking a comprehensive multichannel approach gives access to more candidates than relying on one channel.
With a focus on quality rather than just competition and speed.
That's all.
Did I miss anything?