10 CV tips many neglect
1/ write for your reader and help us identify you as a great candidate through achievements, impact and applicable skills. We aren't mind readers
2/ show context
3/ focus on readability, not trying to cram content into one page
4/ use grammarly and spellcheck, but don't forget some typos won't be picked up. Manger.
5/ when applying through an ATS keep formatting simple to reduce parsing errors. Pictures, tables and columns can work against you
6/ most applications, even when through an ATS, are read by a human. Write for the human
7/ don't employ hacks, like skill dumps in white text. This will work against you more than it helps
8/ ask 10 people for advice on your CV and end up with 11 CVs. Aim for objectively good, not subjectively perfect
9/ have a friend read your CV and summarise what it says about you. Do you sound like a good candidate?
10/ while it might be tempting to tailor each application, all you need really do is show how you meet the essential and desired requirements, clearly and concisely