You may have read how we work with employers. Here's the process for working with candidates for my vacancies:
- Initial call to understand your situation, needs and aspirations. This can involve a full consultation about the market, your expectations, what you should be aiming for as well as instant feedback on things like your CV and LinkedIn profile
- Full insight on the company, vacancy, compensation, the things that make up its culture, context, challenges, projects and opportunity
- If we confirm it's broadly a good match, I’ll send you the job description, together with any additional information that helps you decide if it's the right move
- Some candidates are adamant they want the job description before a call. That's fine, although I'll always highlight the information I provide is more contextual and relevant than most job descriptions
- Follow up call to discuss requirement, any gaps, and how I can best represent your suitability in a true and fair light
- If you objectively decide it’s not right, that’s also a good outcome which is best established early
- CV submission including full notes
- Employer CV feedback if a no (rare if we get to this point)
- Preparation, guidance and feedback through the interview process
- Offer management and advice. Constructive feedback where possible if it's a no.
- Keep in touch during offer and resignation process, and help with any concerns or issues
- Advice on what to think about if you are counteroffered (which may even be to accept one, if for the right reason, as anti-LinkedIn as this may seem)
- Keep in touch during pre-boarding and onboarding to ensure you are ready for your new role
- Occasionally keep in touch when you are in post, although at this point your relationship is with the employer
This is the ‘in-process’ process – how we’ve got to this may be from an application, from you being recommended to me, headhunting, CV databases or any of the other channels I have access to.
It’s a flexible process and these are the minimum touchpoints.
On the other hand, if you need additional support for any reason, I’ll do what I can to help – it's not uncommon for me to coach candidates on their careers to help them establish the right next steps.
Even at the minimum, each candidate process can take hours.
It’s important and one of the reasons I am a low-volume recruiter. Not really suitable if an employer only wants ‘5 CVs by Friday’ with vacancies at volume. I'd be a rubbish transactional recruiter!
This approach reflects my employer work, as most things in recruitment work on the basis of reciprocation.